Basketball condenses the enterprise heart.

In orer to further enhance the exchanges and cooperation between enterprises, unite forces to promote development, enhance the physique of young employees, and enrich the amateur cultural life, on June 13, the first “Starfish Cup” basketball league jointly participated by the trade union of Tianjin Ocean High-tech Development Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Starfish Operation Management Co., Ltd. was successfully held.
On the field, the players are energetic and passionate, and every attack and defense show their fighting spirit. Wearing the company logo jerseys, the players are like warriors on the battlefield, fighting bravely for the glory of the team. They move around the pitch in their athletic form, just like ours.
A wonderful pass, precise and rapid, as if in efficient operation, the perfect combination of strength and wisdom. When the player jumps high to shoot, the beautiful arc is like a design, full of beauty and power.
The audience cheered one after another, they cheered for the players, the scene atmosphere was warm and extraordinary, this basketball game is not only a physical contest, but also the perfect presentation of team cooperation, as we always emphasize the concept of team cooperation.


After the game, whether win or lose, everyone harvested full of joy and moved. This basketball game has enhanced the exchange and cooperation between various enterprises, promoted the exchange and integration of culture and science and technology, and also made everyone feel the vitality and cohesion of the company more deeply, just like our continuous dissemination of charm and value.


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